Prescott Maid to Order: Why you should hire a professional house cleaning service for your Prescott home – Part 1

Prescott Maid to Order: Why you should hire a professional house cleaning service for your Prescott home – Part 1

By |2023-05-03T06:30:54+00:00June 19th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Housekeepers are something only snobby rich people have. Or are they? The truth is, a housekeeping service is more affordable than you might think and is no different than paying for someone to cook your meals at a restaurant or change your oil. Someone is happy to have the work and you don’t have to

Prescott Maid to Order can help you get ready for summer vacation with cleaning services for your Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:32:51+00:00June 5th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Ironically, getting ready to go on vacation can be really stressful. Aside from figuring out how to not to over pack, Prescott Maid to Order offers these suggestions to help Prescott homeowners leave the house relaxed, worry-free and ready to have some fun. Clean No one ever wants to come home from a beautiful, relaxing and fun

Prescott Maid to Order answers: Why it’s worth it to hire a professional cleaner for your Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:34:36+00:00May 22nd, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Hiring a professional cleaning company for your home may seem like a luxury to some, but at what real cost? Prescott Maid to Order hopes Prescott homeowners offers some important reasons for having your home professionally cleaned. Quality of Life Before you devoted your life to cleaning, straightening, organizing, sorting, moving, polishing, dusting, washing, sweeping, etc.,

Prescott Maid to Order shares how keeping your Prescott home clean can help improve your thinking

By |2023-05-03T06:36:14+00:00May 15th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

You may have experienced this before: You come home after a long day, see that the house is cluttered, and you are instantly agitated. Or maybe, you work from home and you can’t get any work done unless the floor has been swept and the dishes put away. It turns out you are not alone.

Prescott Maid to Order offers suggestions for de-cluttering your Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:37:13+00:00May 8th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Remember that chair in your bedroom you thought you’d use in the evenings to read? But now it seems to have been replaced by a pile of laundry and Amazon boxes?  We could all use a little de-cluttering in our lives even if it just means cleaning out that one drawer in your desk. Prescott Maid to

Prescott Maid to Order talks about regular window cleaning for your Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:38:55+00:00April 24th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

How long has it been since the windows at your Prescott home were cleaned? Prescott Maid to Order recommends having your windows professionally cleaned on a regular basis. First impressions Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, the first impression people have of your property matters. Are they going to be met with a lackluster, dirty

Prescott Maid to Order suggests weekly house cleaning services for your Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:39:55+00:00April 17th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Imagine relaxing in your sparkly clean home after a long day’s work. You deserve to have a nice evening with your family, not with your mop. Prescott Maid to Order suggests a weekly house cleaning service for your Prescott home so that you can spend time where it matters. Here are just some reasons why a house

Prescott Maid to Order discusses housecleaning tips to help avoid allergies in your Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:40:56+00:00April 10th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Here in Prescott we work hard to maintain our homes. As hard as we try to keep things clean, we unknowingly track things into our homes – including the dreaded allergies from pollen. Prescott Maid to Order wants to share some tips with you on how professional cleaning can help reduce allergies in your Prescott home. HEPA

Prescott Maid to Order discusses construction cleanup for your newly renovated Prescott home

By |2023-05-03T06:41:58+00:00April 3rd, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Home renovations are a great way to enhance your home’s look and value. Often, renovations leave your house covered in dust. With large quantities like this, it can seem impossible to get rid of it all. When you think you have cleaned one area, it is as if more dust appears out of nowhere to

Prescott Maid to Order can help with light housekeeping services for Prescott seniors

By |2023-05-03T06:43:29+00:00March 27th, 2019|Cleaning Services, Prescott Maid to Order|

Some seniors need more help than others when it comes to keeping their home nice and tidy. And for many seniors, the loss of mobility and agility makes it more difficult to get down low to clean floors, or clean up spills, or reach high places to dust. Prescott Maid to Order recognizes the unique

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