
Home renovations are a great way to enhance your home’s look and value. Often, renovations leave your house covered in dust. With large quantities like this, it can seem impossible to get rid of it all. When you think you have cleaned one area, it is as if more dust appears out of nowhere to fill the spot! Prescott Maid to Order knows the ins and outs of cleaning Prescott homes, and we want to share some of our experience with you.
Before You Begin
There are a few things to keep in mind before you begin. First, make sure your air filters have been changed recently. New filters will help clean the dust out of the air. The second is, use a face mask to prevent inhaling dust particles. Lastly, if the dust is still heavy in the air, you can rent an air scrubber from a major hardware store to remove the dust before it settles.
Vacuuming is the quickest and easiest way to remove dust and is the first step in dust removal. Start at the top of the room with ceiling fans and high shelves to ensure you are not consistently fighting against falling dust. If your vacuum has a filter, be certain to check it regularly.
Hard Floors
If you have hardwood floors, you can use a treated dust mop to pick up the dust. If you have a hard floor that cannot be used with a dust mop, like concrete or rough stone, you will need to use the vacuum.
With so much dust floating around your home, it will likely take several cleanings before the dust is gone. Once the dust is taken care of, you can fully enjoy your new renovations. When your cleaning project takes as much time as the renovations, it may be time to call the professionals. Prescott Maid to Order is Prescott’s foremost cleaning service. To get your home squeaky clean in no time, call us at 928-899-8518 or visit us online
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