
Ready for the Spring? Feeling overwhelmed with your current day to day tasks? Feeling guilty about what you don’t accomplish? Afraid to make those big household project plans because there is just “not enough time”? Everyone feels these types of feelings at some time or another or in some cases…always. In an effort to “simplify” the day to day, here are some suggestions to consider:
• EVALUATE HOW SPEND YOUR TIME – Make a list. Put the priorities on top. List the things that can be done by someone else and hire it out or ask for help. Limit the extras and eliminate the junk.
• SLOW DOWN – We often sacrifice the important things to satisfy accomplishing everything. Families often running in different directions, work and career obligations, school activities, community and church events, household chores and so many other things keep us from slowing down and spending the appropriate amount of time on the appropriate activities. Take stock and make priorities.
• DE-CLUTTER – Own less, get rid of the “stuff”, clear out and clean up. Either in one big project or just a little at a time. Too many material possessions complicate our days and consume our attention. Clean out the closet, organize the garage, get rid of the stuff that you haven’t used in the last year. Do you really need it? Does it ad value to your life? Donate the good stuff, it feels good.
• DELEGATE – Take a load off. Let someone else do it. We see this all the time in our industry. Clients are just “done” doing the stuff they have done themselves for many years. They call us and say, I just don’t want to spend my valuable time cleaning. Hire a reputable company to come in and help do the things that you don’t want to do. You will find yourself feeling lighter and happier when it is done… someone else.
• COMPLAIN LESS – You’ve no doubt heard the story of the 2 fighting wolves inside all of us. The one with good thoughts and deeds and the one that spreads negativity and unhappiness. It is the one that you feed that ultimately wins.
• SERVE OTHERS – There is no better feeling than helping someone. When we serve, we lose ourselves. At Maid to Order, we help people achieve the tasks that they need done. Some are unable to do the physical work any more. It’s a great feeling.
In your efforts to simplify and clean up your life this Spring, we hope you will call us to help you with your goals. We look forward to this beautiful time of year. We want to work with the people in our community to help them with their cleaning needs in their homes and businesses. Prescott Maid to Order and MTO Janitorial wish you a beautiful Spring and Summer!