
Before you know it, your kids will be starting back to school, and that means it’s a great time to get your Prescott home in tip-top shape. Before you start, Prescott Maid to Order would like to share some simple cleaning tips and solutions that will give your home an A+ grade.
Soak it first
Who needs elbow grease when a little bit of time, water, dish soap and lemon juice will work? Soak your dishes for just 30 minutes before you load them into your dishwasher.
Have fun
Cleaning doesn’t need to be miserable. Pull down the blinds, put on the music and dance like you have no neighbors. Before you realize it, your house will be beautiful and you may have burned a few calories in the process.
Have a closet for the kids’ school gear
We all know the moment the kids get home from school, the backpacks, coats, and shoes go flying. Having a specific place for them to toss their gear will help keep your home neat and tidy every day.
Clean out the fridge weekly
Keep your fridge up to date and ready for school lunches. Go through your fridge once a week to clean out what didn’t make it, and save yourself extra trips to the grocery store by making a list of what you need to replace.
Get the equipment you’ll use
If you don’t vacuum or mop regularly because they are too heavy or ineffective, replace them with products you will use. Smart companies are introducing innovative designs all the time.
Dust is not your friend
If it has an air filter, clean it or replace it. Replace every air filter whether it’s in a furnace, a vacuum, an air purifier, or a wall-mounted mini-split. Clean air filters mean cleaner air which can reduce allergies and help keep your family healthy.
Use microfiber cloths
Microfiber cloths collect more dust and leave surfaces cleaner longer. By holding more dust, they keep it from going into the air and settling back onto your finished work.
These are just a few simple ways to get your Prescott home sparkling clean while your kids are busy at school. But if you can think of other things you’d much rather be doing, give Prescott Maid to Order a call today at 928-899-8518 to get a quote or schedule an appointment. We can customize a cleaning schedule to fit your needs. Learn more about us at
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