
There are many cleaning products on the market, and it’s difficult to tell which are the best and safest to use in your Prescott home. Prescott Maid to Order understands our clients’ concerns about harmful toxins and we have found an abundance of cleaning products that are both natural and highly effective, keeping you and your home safe! Here are some tips that include ways to clean your home safely, using natural products:
- Baking soda is safe for use and is non-toxic, making it a great cleaning and deodorizing product to keep in your arsenal.
- Vinegar can serve as a cheap and effective disinfectant. It’s environmentally friendly and safe for kids and pets!
- Lemon has just the right acidity which makes it perfect for cleaning tough messes and for erasing unsavory odors.
Here are a few good tips for using these natural products:
- To clean your microwave: In a microwave-safe container, mix one-half cup of water and one-half cup of distilled white vinegar. Let this mixture reach a rolling boil in the microwave. This both deodorizes the oven and loosens stubborn foods. Use a cloth or sponge to clean away the substances.
- To clean your drains: Pour one cup of baking soda down your drain, then one cup of distilled white vinegar, heated. Wait about five minutes before running hot water to clear. This will clean your drains and remove unpleasant odors.
- To remove offensive garbage odors: Place one-half cup baking soda at the bottom of your outdoor garbage bins to prevent bacteria, mold, and mildew.
Prescott Maid to Order hopes these tips for safe, natural cleaning products have been helpful. If you want a pristine home for your family and friends but don’t have time to clean, call Prescott Maid to Order to arrange a free consultation for cleaning services for your Prescott home. Call us at 928-899-8518 or visit for more information.
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