
The Holiday season is the time when we all hope to get together with family and friends. It’s also the time when there never seems to be enough minutes in the day. The list of things that need to be done keeps getting longer and longer. Have you ever wished that someone would just come in and clean the whole house? Prescott Maid to Order, your professional cleaning company in Prescott, says “you should schedule it now to ensure to get it gone before the new year!”
Have you ever wished that all of the following tasks could all be done at the same time without it taking a full day out of your schedule?
We can knock everything out in just a few hours:
- Vacuuming – All the carpets throughout your home vacuumed, even along the baseboards
- Tile/Vinyl areas – All vacuumed and mopped
- Dusting – All the flat surfaces in your house, dust free. Even the knick-knacks dusted.
- Kitchen – Countertops wiped down, microwave clean, stove and oven both looking like new. Cabinets wiped down. Kitchen sink and faucets clean and shiny. Everything ready to start fixing that holidays meal or those Christmas cookies.
- Bathroom – All the fixtures shining with no water spots. Toilets and sinks fresh and clean. Showers and tubs cleaned all ready for company to arrive
- General – Trash cans all emptied, everything smelling and looking clean, but with no chemical smell or detergent odor.
With all of these tasks done, you will have more time to enjoy the holidays and your family time.
It can all be yours, but the time to do it is now, because with the holiday season the available time slots are going fast and we don’t want you to miss out! Just call Prescott Maid to Order at 928-899-8518 to receive a free quote or to schedule an appointment. To check out all of the ways we can help, please visit our website at
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Seasonal Cleaning in Prescott
Prescott House Cleaning
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