
This winter Prescott abounds with snow and ice. To help keep things tidy, Prescott Maid to Order offers green-cleaning tips for the floors in your Prescott home. We LOVE to help! We provide personal care and attention to every home.
Chemical cleaners often have unpleasant odors and unsafe fumes. So during the time when it’s too cold to open your windows, it’s important to know how to effectively and safely clean your home’s floors.
Cleaning wood, vinyl and tile floors
Ceramic tile:
After sweeping or vacuuming a tile floor thoroughly it can be easily cleaned with a little warm water. Using a sponge mop is not a good idea since they have a tendency to deposit dirt into the grout lines. Instead, try a microfiber mop. Fill a bucket with warm water and a use a damp microfiber mop to easily and effectively clean your ceramic tile floors.
Clean your hardwood floors by steeping two teabags in boiling water for a few minutes. Tannic acid contained in the tea will leave a beautiful shine on your floors. Pour the warm, not boiling, tea into a bucket and use a damp, not soaked, soft cloth to wash the floors. You never want to apply too much water to wood floors. You can easily remove any scratches by taking a crayon that matches the color of your floor and simply rub it over the scratch. Afterward, using a blow dryer, heat the scratch where the crayon was used and finish the repair by buffing it with a clean, soft cloth.
Vinyl floors:
Vinyl floors are quickly and easily cleaned by adding Borax to a bucket of warm water and mopping. Follow the directions on the Borax container for the right amount.
Could all of the floors in your Prescott home use a good cleaning? If you don’t have the time or ability, it’s as easy as calling the home cleaning experts at Prescott Maid to Order for all of your cleaning needs. Call us today at 928-899-8518 to schedule a free estimate or visit us at for more information.
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