
When is the best time of year to have your carpets professionally cleaned? That question is certainly up for debate. Just before the house guests arrive? During the summer when it’s warm and you can let in some fresh air? While it would be ideal to have your carpets cleaned every season, the reality is most people will choose yearly carpet cleaning in Prescott. Prescott Maid to Order suggests Spring is the best season to clean your carpets, and offers a look at what your carpets endure through the year.
Spring: The nasty winter weather has ended and we’ve had our homes closed up for months. We’re ready for “spring cleaning” and removing salt, dirt, mud and whatever else has been tracked into the home. The longer dirt stays in your carpet, the more likely it is to wear out the carpet fibers. This is a great time to freshen up your home, and prevent unnecessary wear to your carpet.
Summer: The windows are open and fresh air is coming in, along with pollens, mold spores and other pollutants. Then the air conditioning unit moves those particles around. Much of those outdoor particles will become trapped in your carpeting. But since we’re spending more time outdoors or going on vacation, this might not be the time you’d choose to get carpets cleaned.
Fall: School is back in session and kids are back in their routines. Some of those routines include added foot traffic around your home. The holiday season is approaching and you’d like your home to look its best. Maybe you’re anticipating family and friends coming to visit. With all the preparations for holidays and house guests, you may not want to interrupt your busy schedule to have the carpets cleaned.
Winter: The days are shorter and we’re spending more time indoors. Our homes are closed to keep out the cold. We may prefer spending time snuggling up by the fireplace rather than taking on a carpet cleaning project.
Even if you can’t see the soil, dust and dirt on your carpet, what you don’t see can be wearing out your carpets. To keep it cleaner longer, it’s a good practice to remove your shoes before walking on your carpet no matter what the season.
Remember that Prescott Maid to Order can help keep your home cleaner and healthier. In addition to professional carpet cleaning in Prescott, our services range from complete house cleaning to trash removal and window cleaning. To get a free quote, please give Prescott Maid to Order a call to schedule an appointment at 928-899-8518. To learn more about our quality services, please visit our website at
House cleaning in Prescott
Prescott Carpet Cleaning
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