Make your floors look like new again with these simple techniques for cleaning tile and hardwood floors. Prescott Maid to Order provides tips on how to clean and care for the floors in your Prescott home.
Ceramic tile floors.
These can be cleaned easily with nothing but warm water, but be sure to sweep or vacuum first to remove any loose soil or grit. Never use a sponge mop to clean ceramic tile floors. It will pull the dirt right into the grout tracks. This makes the floor more difficult to clean. If you have really dirty grout, use a brush.
Hardwood floors.
This may seem unusual, but the results are fantastic! Use boiling water and two teabags to clean hardwood floors. The tannic acid in tea creates a beautiful shine for hardwood floors. Let two tea bags steep in the boiling water for a few minutes. Pour the tea into a bucket. Take a soft cloth and wring it out in the tea. The cloth merely needs to be damp, not soaked. This will enable the floor to dry quickly. Wash the floor and be ready to be amazed by the sheen.
There may be scratches that stand out after cleaning the hardwood floor; simply take a crayon the color of the floor and rub it on the scratch to fill the gap. Turn a blow dryer on high, heat the area where the crayon was applied and buff it with a soft cloth.
For expert floor cleaning in your Prescott home, trust Prescott Maid to Order to bring back the sparkle, and provide you with floor care tips to make that clean look last. Whether you need a special cleaning for the holidays or anytime, Prescott Maid to Order can help keep your Prescott home clean and beautiful year ‘round. Call us today for a free estimate at 928-899-8518. For more information visit us at
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